WIPA: Work Incentives Planning and Assistance

Time change 6:30 pm to start

                    DuPage Family Disability Network  (DFDN)
Wed, October 21st, 2015    Open Meeting
                                  Lisle Library
                                  Meeting Rooms A/B
                                  Lisle, IL 60532
                                  6:30pm to 8:45pm

        DFDN is pleased to  present information ON:

"WIPA services effective August 2015 are for SSA Disability Beneficiaries
currently working, have a job offer, or are seriously ready to start
employment. "

"What is Work Incentives Planning and Assistance
 Time change 6:30 pm to start

                    DuPage Family Disability Network  (DFDN)
Wed, October 21st, 2015    Open Meeting
                                  Lisle Library
                                  Meeting Rooms A/B
                                  Lisle, IL 60532
                                  6:30pm to 8:45pm

        DFDN is pleased to  present information ON:

"WIPA services effective August 2015 are for SSA Disability Beneficiaries
currently working, have a job offer, or are seriously ready to start
employment. "

"What is Work Incentives Planning and Assistance

We are a federally funded program created to help individuals receiving
SSI/SSDI make informed choices about being employed.

If you are working, have a job offer or ready to start employment, we will
help you understand how working is affecting your benefits.

We will explain Social Security work incentives in addition to state
benefits, such as Medicaid, subsidized housing, TANF, food stamps,
worker's compensation and unemployment benefits. Our Work Incentive
Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Program will give you the information you
need to make the best choice about your future".

Speakers: Janice Williams and Britney Qualls

Ron Mulvaney, CWIC/WIPA Program Director Illinois Assistive Technology

**********Registration, e-mailing  below:

1.     Name:
2.     Number Attending:
3.     Parent or  Organization:

Look forward to seeing

Board Members  of DFDN

Facilities provided by:

 Lisle Library
 777 Front St.
 Lisle IL 60532               Capacity:  90
 (630) 971-1675
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DFDN, Sept. 17 Supportive Housing

Program: Yes, Shorter Notice Then Usual (Special Request)

Limited space **********Registration is required *********

Capacity: 45

Time change 6:30 pm to start
DuPage Family Disability Network (DFDN)
Thursday, September 17th, 2015 Open Meeting
Lisle Library
Meeting Room A (only for 9*17)
Lisle, IL 60532
6:30pm to 8:45pm

DFDN is pleased to present information ON:

How Supportive Housing Could Work for People with
Developmental Disabilities –

Why are other disability populations getting a chance
at getting their own apartment and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are only offered a chance to live in groups?

What can the community do to get additional options through community actions. This session will discuss the current system and how it has evolved and what to do to request something different.

Speaker: John Fallon
Senior Program Manager-CSH

John has over 30 years of experience in the mental health field, which includes providing residential and outreach services to adolescents, children, persons who are homeless, as well as persons in correctional and health care settings. As a Senior Program Manager with CSH’s Illinois Program, John works on the implementation of several Olmstead consent decrees for persons with mental health and developmental disabilities as CSH assists the State in transitioning to use supportive housing as an option for housing instead of institutional care. John also works on integrating health care providers into supportive housing, frequent user initiatives, and Medicaid Capacity Development for service providers and developers adapting to a changing health care environment. Mr. Fallon also worked as part of the CSH Returning Home Initiative, a multi-million dollar national initiative to develop permanent supportive housing for homeless persons who frequently cycle through the criminal justice system. Prior to joining CSH, Mr. Fallon worked for 18 years at Thresholds, directing two specialized teams who helped place people from Cook County Jail back into the community, serving individuals who typically had a record of 50 arrests, 20 psychiatric hospitalizations, and decades of homelessness prior to program enrollment. Because of the program’s success, it was awarded the American Psychiatric Association’s Gold Achievement Award for small, community-based programs in 2001. John earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

**********Registration is required, e-mailing below:

1. Name:
2. Number Attending:
3. Parent or Organization:

Look forward to seeing

Board Members of DFDN

Facilities provided by:

Lisle Library
777 Front St.
Lisle IL 60532                                      Capacity: 45
(630) 971-1675
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May 20th, IL Dept of Rehab & Project Search

Program update:
Time change 6:30 pm to start

DuPage Family Disability Network (DFDN)

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 Open Meeting
Lisle Library
Meeting Rooms A/B
Lisle, IL 60532
6:30pm to 8:45pm

DFDN is pleased to present information ON:

The IL Department of Human Services: Division of Rehabilitation Services

Project Search, Transition Program (Central DuPage Hospital)

Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)

We are pleased to welcome back Mary Beth Scholten, DHS-DRS


What can we expect from our DRS as we move into 2015 and beyond for Adult

The process and roles.

MaryBeth will touch on the following topics and how the DHS will
move forward in addressing the needs of persons individual has a most
significant disability, a very significant disability. (Some of these
programs are pilots)

Some of the new directions/Goals:

Discuss the Illinois Employment First Blueprint
-DD/VR collaboration
-Changes in Supported employment
-The Discovery Process
-Vision Quest

Staff Development and Training


Mary Beth Scholten – The Assistant Bureau Chief (ABC) for Region 2 with the
Division of Rehabilitation Services, which covers the DuPage area.
Previous to this position I was the Rehabilitation Services Supervisor in
the Rockford VR office. I’ve been with the state for over 27 years.

Kathryn E. Kaniewski, M.S., CRC Transition Advisor
Chicago, Il

Project SEARCH team at Central DuPage Hospital
Kati Curby, Team teacher
Hailey, Team job coach


Registration is required, e-mailing below:

1. Name:
2. Number Attending:
3. Parent or Organization:

Look forward to seeing

Board Members of DFDN

Facilities provided by:

Lisle Library
777 Front St.
Lisle IL 60532 Capacity: 95
(630) 971-1675

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DFDN:Wednesday, April 22 , 2015: Tony Records

Program update: SPECIAL LOCATION and Start Time
Time change 6:30 pm to start

DuPage Family Disability Network (DFDN)

Wednesday, April 22 , 2015 Open Meeting
******ST. JOAN OF ARC********
(Across from Lisle Library)
Parish 820 Division St.
Lisle, IL 60532
6:30pm to 8:45pm

DFDN is pleased to present information ON:
Tony Records; from EQUIP FOR EQUALITY:
Involved in “A Place to Call Home”
Court Monitor for Ligas.

Will speak to us on multiple topics:

*Access to affordable housing for community living: The lack of accessible
and affordable housing continues to be an obstacle to serving individuals
in the most integrated setting. What is the current status with the state
of Illinois, partially in DuPage County?
*Accessing the “Community Living Initiative” to its fullest.
*Consider — Person Centered Planning moving to Person Centered Thinking.
How do we start moving in this direction?
*Alternative opinions that have pursued. (New was of thinking.)
*Long range considerations for consumer/family/co-op owned living
*Working with the State budget constraints and concerns about compliance
with Ligas.
*What are the tools/assistance CMS will provide Illinois to meet its
obligation? Are consumers/families aware of these and how to contribute to
the process? CMS has committed to provide targeted technical assistance
help them meet their obligations under the ADA to serve individuals in the
community, to ensure that services meet the needs and preferences of each

Please Note Change:

The IL Department of Human Services: Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)
Project Search have been rescheduled for May 20th


Tony Records has been the President of Tony Records and Associated, Inc.,
(TRA),Since 1992 a human services consulting firm in Bethesda, Maryland.
Mr. Records has more than 40 years of experience and has consulted in 22
states with regard to services and supports for people with disabilities.

Mr. Records has been recently involved in several projects of national and
statewide significance. These are just a few of the very numerous projects
that Mr. Records is involved in:

* Currently serving as the Monitor of the Ligas v. Hamos case involving
more than 12,000 class members who have requested community services in

* Currently serving as the Remedial Expert in the landmark Messier
v.Southbury Training School case Connecticut to ensure that all class
members are offered services in the most integrated setting.

* Provides training for states on Best Practices in Protection from Harm
for people with disabilities in residential settings.

* Administered a grant with the Illinois Council on Developmental
Disabilities to establish individual Microboards and Human Service

* On a voluntary basis , Mr. Records provides individual advocacy
assistance to several individuals with disabilties and their families
in Maryland.

* From 2000-2002, Mr. Records was a consultant with the Office for Civil
Rights ( OCR) of the US Department of Human Services to provide technical
assistance to OCR staff in evaluating state’s planning documents regarding
Olmstead compliance

Registration is required, e-mailing below:

1. Name:
2. Number Attending:
3. Parent or Organization:

Look forward to seeing

Board Members of DFDN

Facilities provided by:
******ST. JOAN OF ARC********
(Across from Lisle Library)
Parish 820 Division St.
Lisle IL 60532 Capacity: 100+
(630) 963-4500

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(DFDN),March 18, 2015 (UPDATE) The Everyone Work! Project

Presentation: Total Link2 Community

Time change 6:30 pm to start

DuPage Family Disability Network (DFDN)
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Open Meeting
Lisle Library
Lisle, IL 60532
6:45pm to 8:45pm

DFDN is pleased to present information ON:

Please Note Change:

Program update:

The Everyone Work! Project: (As scheduled)
Customized Employment, Innovation & Collaboration
Will be presenting at the March 18th meeting.

IL Department of Human Services: Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)
Project Search have been rescheduled for May 20th


The Everyone Work! Project:
Customized Employment, Innovation & Collaboration

For the first time Dr. Janice Wienstien, Total Link2 Community

Customized Employment: Everyone Works!

The Everyone Works! Project is funded in part by the Illinois Council on
Developmental Disabilities as a way to bring the best practice of
customized employment to the state of Illinois. Through partnership with
key stakeholders including; schools, families and community agencies,
Total Link2 Community has developed competitive, inclusive employment for
more than 30 individuals living with intellectual and developmental
disabilities. Janice Weinstein will share stories about stakeholders
working together to make employment happen for everyone. Janice will
review the process of customized employment, which encompasses 6 key
steps; discovery of personal genius, capturing discovery through profiles,
person centered collaboration, portfolio development and job development.
Participants will learn firsthand what this process looks like and how we
can create partnerships in order to develop and sustain inclusive

DuPage Family Disability Network is offering an opportunity to present
these topics and have questions answered at our March 18, 2015 meeting.


Janice Weinstein, Psy,D. is the executive director of Total Link2
Community. Janice is responsible for overseeing the Everyone Works!
project, an investment of the Illinois Council on Developmental
Disabilities (ICDD). She also oversees a second employment project funded
by and in collaboration with the Department of Rehabilitative Services –
BIP. This project is a pilot that incorporates Customized Employment and
salient aspects of the IPS Model of Supported Employment for persons with
intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Total Link2 Community has been instrumental in bringing Customized
Employment to the state of Illinois by providing training to schools,
agencies and private providers in partnership with the ICDD and the
Department of Rehabilitative Services. Total Link2 Community has also
worked closely with NSSED (Northern Suburban Special Education District
Cooperative) to use the Discovery model with students in transition in
order to create sustainable outcomes for students with intellectual and
developmental disabilities who have more complex support needs. Total
Link2 Community has successfully used the model of customized employment
to place 30 individuals with ID/DD in inclusive employment settings
including microenterprise. Total Link2 Community also provides; monthly
webinars, consultation and ongoing training for stakeholders committed to
using the principles and strategies of Customized Employment.

Registration is required, e-mailing below:

1. Name:
2. Number Attending:
3. Parent or Organization:

Look forward to seeing

Board Members of DFDN

Facilities provided by:
Lisle Public Library
777 Front Street
Lisle IL 60532 Capacity: 95

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